Intellij Live Templates and Postfix

Useful Live template for Java

In Class

main and psvm - generate main method

In Method:

sout - System.out.println

soutp - System out print input parameters

soutv - System.out.print closest variable name and value

ifn and inn if null statement and if not null

lazy if closest variable is null, instantiate it

prsf and psf - define constants : private(public) static final

psfi and psfs - define constants String/int : public static final

thr - throw new exception

B and P - surround with {} or ()


fori and itar - empty for loop with “i” / cloest array iteration

itco - for loop with “iterator” on collection object(List, Map etc)

iter - new format of for loop with iterator: for(Object element: collection){…}

Useful Postfix Completion for Java

Number.fori - create for loop while i < Number

Variable.arg - This will put Variable as parameter into a method

Boolean_Variable.if - this create if(Boolean_Variable) statement

Array_Variable.iter - this will create for loop on Array_Variable

Variable.nn - create if(`Variable != null) statement

Variable.try - create Try block for this Varaible

Boolean_Variable.while - create while loop block

Variable.field - create a Class member variable with Variable’s name

Variable.return - create return Variable statemen