Angular Infrastructure Bottom Up - HTTP with Mock backend Server

Angular Buildin HTTP is used to connect to backend for data, it used couple of interface so the structure looks weird (to me), so I want to ‘destructure’ the HTTP Client to see what are in the design.

Import HTTP module into app.module.ts

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
imports: [

Create Backend Mock server

we don’t have backend HTTP server, to test out the HTTP object in Angular, we can use the Mock class to simulate the backend.

using HTTP client in service

http client are used in service for data exchange.

  1. import HttpClient
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
  1. Inject through constructor
constructor(private http: HttpClient){}
  1. Create get method

Let’s simple start with:

get() : Observable<person[]>{
  return this.http.get<person[]>("persons");

the http.get() method will return a Observable object of person list. We never created person object before, so this line will give us compilor error, what need to do is add interface of person like following:

interface person{
  id: number;
  name: string;
  gender: string;

So far this is okay to use, but I need to dig in, http.get() actually return HTTPResponse object, we use <person[]> to tell angular how to map the HttpResponse object to the our person object. It is turn out that you can use map() method from Rxjs to implemnt this:

  get() : Observable<person[]>{
    return this.http.get<personResponse>(this.url).pipe(
      map((response: personResponse) => {
        return response.persons;


interface person{
  id: number;
  name: string;
  gender: string;

interface personResponse{
  persons: person[];

here, we first use pipe method get the HttpResponse object, then use map method to unwrap the HttpResponse object and get the person object out of the response object. The personResponse object we define here is bridge that can provide more flexibilty on mapping…

pipe as its name imply, it take a Observable and give to function – the parameter of pipe method – then pass Observable out, and that is it. With this features of pipe, we can pass function to do all kind of thing to the Observable lke mapping, catch the error etc.

Here we pass map function to pipe to strip off the HttpResponse and return the the result we want.

  1. Add subscribe to service client

In the show-person-list.component.ts file, we current have call service with following code:

    this.persons = this.service.get();

but the http client’s get method will not execute until someone subscribe to it, so we need to change the way to call and also what we got back is Observable, so we need to strip off the Observable.

      persons => {
        this.persons = persons;

In here, we implement the subsribe method and in the method we pass the persons array to our this.persons.