Use Spark as ETL tools

Spark could be used as ETL tools, today we are going to walk you throught how to and explain the required Spark knowledge.

Spark Overview

Spark Core: have to have it

  • Fundamental Component
  • Task Distribution
  • Scheduling
  • input/output

Spark SQL : We will use this for our ETL tools

Spark Streaming: we don’t need it

  • Streaming analytics
  • Micro Batches
  • Lambda Architecture

MLlib : we dont’ need it

Spark Install and run

  1. Download spark from here
  2. run following from the download folder

     tar -xvf spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
  3. mv to /usr/share

     sudo mv spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7 /usr/local/
  4. Add to path

     export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7/bin:/usr/local/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7/sbin                                                                                                  
  5. start the master:
  6. verify http://localhost:8080

Spark Data Concepts

RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset, container that all you to work with data object.

DataFrame - data table

Dataset - combination of RDD and DataFrame, this is the objects we are going to work with1

How Spark cluster works

Official document is here. I suggest to read throug the detail of how cluster works, that is very clear.

There are 3 type of clusters that spark can run on:

  • Standalone
  • Mesos
  • Yarn

I am only going to discuss the standalone. Here is picture of cluster:

spark cluster

Cluster Manager is the master process in spark, this is where you run ./sbin/ You only have 1 cluster manager in a cluster.

Driver AKA Driver Program in this picture, is responsible for converting a user application to smaller execution units called tasks and then schedules them to run with a cluster manager on executors. The driver is also responsible for executing the Spark application and returning the status/results to the user. Spark Context is created by Driver Manager and act as context between Driver and Cluster Manager, it can be used to create RDDS, accumulators and broadcast variables.

Worker Node could be machine, docker container or virtual machine.

Executor is the processer that will run your task, a node can contain many Executor

To Run your application in above picture, there are 2 steps:

  1. submit applications this is same as deployment, you send your jar file to cluster, and then cluser manager give them to Worker Node.

  2. Run the task, task will be run on the Worker Node, and result will be sent back to Driver Program via Spark Context.

Spark Development Cycle


for client program to work in spark cluster, you need to use SparkLauncher to connect to spark cluster, then submit your spark application for spark cluster to run. using SparkLauncher has no different as using spark-submit command at spark shell, the command like following:

spark-submit --executor-memory 4g --driver-memory 4g --verbose \
      --jars $JARS \
      --class "" \
      $JAR_FILE \
      --config $CONFIG_FILE \
      --jobname $1

so in the SparkLauncher you need to specify corresponding parameters as spark-submit

       SparkAppHandle handle = new SparkLauncher()
         .setConf(SparkLauncher.DRIVER_MEMORY, "2g")

you also can use launch() instead of startApplication(), but that require you to control the child process.

use the launch(), then you can use spark.waitFor() to handle the exit:

    int exitCode = spark.waitFor();

minimum setter for launcher:

  1. setSparkHome
  2. setAppResource - you spark application jar
  3. setMainClass
  4. setMaster

above are the minimum setter required for spark launcher.

  1. .addJar - This to add your application dependencies jar, you can also use set conf with DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH or EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH same.

  2. .addFile - submit the file that your spark application need, usually for log file, csv file and config file

  3. deployMode - use client as for testing, use cluster for prodction

here has very good artile to explain

Spark Cluster Configuration

Rules of Thumb:

  1. RAM Size: Total RAM Size should be 3 times of the total file/data loaded on the Cluster, eg: you want to load 5GB data, then you cluster total RAM size should be 15 GB.
  2. Disk Size: Loaded data spills into the disk when RAM is full, so Disk size shoudl at least be equal to RAM size, eg: if node RAM size is 5GB, then at least the disk size need to be 5 GB.
  3. No. of executor per node: 10 executor per node.
  4. No. of cores per node: Recommended as equal to the no. of executor

the No. of executor/cores are for start plan, you can adjust depends on the node’s hardware setup.

Setup Environment

I use Gradle and java, so this project will NOT have any Scala or Python or Maven, following is the build.gradle, it list all the depencies we need

dependencies {
 implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc'
 implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
 implementation 'org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.11:2.4.4'
 implementation 'org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.11:2.4.4'
 runtimeOnly 'mysql:mysql-connector-java'
  testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'

Extractor: Connect to MySQL database

  1. Create SparkSession SparkSession is single point of Spark Framework entry to interact with DataFrame and DataSet, with Spark 2.0, SparkSession become simple to create:

     SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder()
         .config("some option", "some value"
     //set up sparkSession runtime arguments
     spark.conf().set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 6);
     spark.conf().set("spark.executor.memory", "2g");

    If you are running on Hive FS, then you can enbableHiveSupport option, otherwise, it use “in memory”.

    you can use following code to print out all the runtime arguments

     Map<String, String> sparkConf = spark.conf().getAll();

    the spark.sql.shuffle.partitions is the number of partition when spark shuffle the data for join and aggregation. Here is good link to introduce the “shuffle” and “sort” in MapReduced.

  2. Implement DataFrameReader

    Once you have the SparkSession, you can build DataFrameReader from it:

     DataFrameReader rdr =;
     rdr.option("numPartitions", 10);
     rdr.option("partitionColumn", "Country Code");
     //JDBC connection properties
     final Properties connectionProperties = new Properties();
     connectionProperties.put("user", MYSQL_USERNAME);
     connectionProperties.put("password", MYSQL_PWD);
     String dbTable = "(SELECT * FROM HNPQCountry) AS t";
     long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
     Dataset<Row> jdbcDF =
                     .jdbc(MYSQL_CONNECTION_URL, dbTable, connectionProperties);

    Set format for DataFrameReader:


    format: DataFrame Source Data Format: json,csv (since 2.0.0),parquet (see Parquet),orc,text,jdbc, libsvm.

    jdbc: This will connect to database with jdbc connection, there are 3 jdbc() methods:

     jdbc( url: String,
           table: String,
           predicates: Array[String],
           connectionProperties: Properties): DataFrame
     jdbc( url: String,
           table: String,
           properties: Properties): DataFrame
     jdbc( url: String,
           table: String,
           columnName: String,
           lowerBound: Long,
           upperBound: Long,
           numPartitions: Int,
           connectionProperties: Properties): DataFrame
  3. Read through the DataSet:


Start ETL Job: Cluster Mode VS Standalone Mode

  1. Cluster Mode

    You will use SparkLauncher to ‘submit’ the ETL job to cluster, basically you need config following parameters and call submit(), this is no different as you call submit from spark shell.

    as you can see the “main class” is SimpleSparkEtlJobApplication, this class will assembly the JobRunner and then call run() method to start the process. The Assembly work contains 2 steps:

    1. Take the pass-in parameter configFile pass to JobConfigModuleBuilder to genereate JobConfig file
    2. The JobConfigModuleClassName from the JobConfig and then build it. e.g. in our example, the JobConfigModuleClassName is SampleJobRunnerConfigModule.

    After JobConfigModule created, then use google guice to inject that class for JobRunner and then call run() method of that JobRunner.

  2. Standalone Mode

    Standalone Mode is different as cluster mode since we can pre-intialize the JobConfig, SparkConfig and JobRunner instance, but the concept is same: use IoC (not google guice, we use spring boot) to prepare all the instance JobRunner need and then “inject” into JobRunner.

    The SampleJobSparkConfigStandalone is example to show to config the standalone spark job

«««< HEAD


I used predicate when I use JDBC SQL, my understanding is: use `Predicate`
you can `chop` the WHERE clause into multiple group, and each `Predicate`
will use 1 spark partition and create 1 JDBC connction. =======
    public class SampleJobSparkConfigStandalone {

        private String jobName;
        private String master;
        private String partition;
        private String dbConnectionURL;
        private String userName;
        private String password;
        private String dbTable;

        @Bean(name = "SampleJobConfig")
        public JobConfig sampleJobConfig(){
            JobConfig sampleJobConfig = new JobConfig();

            return sampleJobConfig;

        @Bean(name = "standaloneSparkConfig")
        public SparkConfig standaloneSparkConfig(){
            SparkConfig sparkConfig = new SparkConfig();

            Map<String, String> sessionConfigs = new HashMap<>();
            sessionConfigs.put("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", partition);
            sessionConfigs.put("spark.executor.memory", "2g");
            return sparkConfig;


        @Bean(name = "standaloneJobRunner")
        public JobRunner standalonJobRunner(JobConfig sampleJobConfig ){
            Extractor<SampleJobEvent> sampleExtractor = new DBDataExtractor();
            Transformer<SampleJobEvent> sampleTransformer = new SampleTranformer<>();
            Loader<SampleJobEvent> sampleLoader = new SampleLoader<>();
            JobRunner jobRunner = new JobRunner(sampleJobConfig, sampleExtractor, sampleTransformer, sampleLoader);
            return jobRunner;

Spark Config

Spark Config has all the information for creating SparkSession object, plus it also carry information that SparkLauncher need when run in cluster mode.

Spark Config is used by who want to start the spark job:

  • it is SparkSubmitter if run in cluster mode
  • it is SimpleSparkEtlService if run in standalone mode

they use SparkConfig to create a SparkSession and then pass the SparkSession to
