Super Simple Spring Cloud Explained - Open Feign

The feeling of Feign is very like JPA with CrudRepository: you defined the entity and CrudRepository generate all the CRUD methods for you, all you need just create interface to implement that.

Feign is very similar that way: on Consumer side, you define the interface and annotate to wire it with the producer service, then you can use that interface as local call.

Open Feign Client Setup

  1. Dependency:
	implementation ''
  1. Annotation on Spring boot Application class:
public class HelloWorldConsumerApplication {

	public RestTemplate restTemplate(){
		return new RestTemplate();

	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  1. Define interface and use @FeignClient annotation to wire it to producer
             //this is the target serivce application name
    public interface HelloWorldClient {
                 //this is the path of target service	
     String getGreeting();
  2. Implements

In your client application, use as following, first you wire the interface and then call the method from the interface:

    private final HelloWorldClient helloWorldClient;

    public HelloWorldServiceConsumer(RestTemplate restTemplate, HelloWorldClient helloWorldClient){
        this.helloWorldClient = helloWorldClient;

    public String testHelloWorldServiceFeign(){
        String answer = this.helloWorldClient.getGreeting();
        return getAnswer(answer);

    private String getAnswer(String answer){
        if("Hello World".equals(answer)){
            return "Successful called producer-helloworld-service";
            return "Failed to call producer-helloworld-service";


  • Feign client is easier than restTemplate.
  • You also can specify the url and ipaddress for those service that not register with Eureka server.